Use AI to research cities before you move

With web browsing and Prompt Perfect you can get up-to-date information on any city, anywhere.

Moving to a new place is a big deal. With ads and influencers, it’s not always easy to get simple information. Today’s prompt sifts through all of that and gives great information to inform your big life move.

Today’s Prompt: Research before relocating to a new city

I am in the process of relocating to the West Hollywood neighborhood in Los Angeles, and I need detailed information that would be relevant to a 33-year-old man without children.

My goal is to understand the lifestyle, amenities, and overall living experience in West Hollywood, particularly in comparison to other cities. Please research and provide insights on the following specific aspects:

- Cost of living, including housing prices and rental rates.
- Social scene, including nightlife options, bars, and clubs.
- Recreational activities, such as parks, gyms, and outdoor spaces.
- Transportation options, including public transit and walkability.
- Local dining and food culture, highlighting popular restaurants and cafes.
- Safety and crime rates in the area.
- Community events and cultural activities that may be of interest.

Please ensure that the information is up-to-date and includes a comparison with at least two other cities that are popular among young professionals. Structure your output with clear headings for each aspect, followed by detailed descriptions and relevant statistics where applicable.

Why we like this prompt:

  1. Personalized: It is tailored to a specific demographic relocating to a specific neighborhood.

  2. Comprehensive: It highlights a wide range of topics—cost of living, social scene, recreational activities, transportation, dining, safety, and community events.

  3. Up-to-Date Info: It asks for current data leading to a relevant web search for information.

  4. Structured: It outlines a clear structure with headings for each aspect for readability.

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The Daily Prompt breaks down good prompts and explains why they're good every Monday through Friday.

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