Start a career change with a single prompt

AI can help you take the first steps to a new career. All you have to do is ask.

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Have you ever considered a bold career change? Like if you were a newsletter writer but had always wanted to be a ballet dancer, or something totally random like that. Today’s prompt shows you how to leverage AI to start the switch.

Today’s Prompt: How to transition into a Career as a Data Scientist

I am interested in transitioning into a career as an entry-level Data Scientist and need guidance on how to start. Since I do not have experience in this field, I am seeking recommendations for online courses and resources to help me begin my journey towards becoming a Data Scientist. Can you please assist me by providing a list of high-quality online courses and resources that will help me acquire the essential skills and knowledge for this career transition? Please provide your response in a structured format for better readability.

Why we like this prompt:

  1. It identifies the goal of transitioning into an entry-level Data Scientist role.

  2. It specifies the need for entry-level courses and resources.

  3. It specifies that it should be in list form.

  4. It asks for a structured, readable output.

  5. It is clear in the goal, who the goal is for, and how it should output recommendations.

Try it yourself!

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About The Daily Prompt

The Daily Prompt sends you great prompts and explains why they're effective every Monday through Friday.

It's created by the team behind Prompt Perfect GPT, a tool that enhances ChatGPT's usability by refining your prompts automatically for clarity.

So you get excellent responses regardless of how well you write prompts.

The team at Prompt Perfect has helped 200,000+ users rewrite over 2 million prompts. They now offer personalized 1-on-1 sessions to help you use AI. Book a call and get help with:

  1. Understanding current AI tools

  2. Better communicating with AI

  3. Solving personal and professional tasks with AI

  4. Learning tips and tricks to get the most out of AI