Build your budget with AI

Budgeting is my least favorite part of this business. I’m never sure whether we’re supposed to be “in the red” or “in the green.” Red is my favorite color so I just default to that. Today’s prompt helps template a budget so you can stay in the red like me.

Today’s Prompt: Create a budget template for a Google Ads project.

Create a detailed budget that outlines the projected income and expenses for a project where we want to deploy google ads.

Start by identifying all the anticipated costs, including personnel, materials, equipment, and any other relevant expenses.

Estimate the cost of each item and assign it to a specific budget category.

Next, identify any potential sources of income or revenue. Develop a timeline for expenditures and revenue streams, ensuring that funds are available when needed. Monitor the budget regularly and make adjustments as necessary.

Utilize a spreadsheet to track income and expenses. Include detailed notes or justifications for each budget line item.

The final output should be a well-organized and comprehensive budget that facilitates effective financial planning and resource allocation.

Why we like this prompt:

  1. It sets the clear goal of a budget with the direction of using income and expenses for a specified project.

  2. It details all necessary components, such as costs, personnel, etc.

  3. It specifies the structure of a spreadsheet with a notes.

  4. It guides the model by giving it multiple steps to follow when responding.

Try it yourself!

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