Bonjour Paris

I'm missing the Olympics, but today's prompt made me feel like a temporary Parisian.

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I’m a sucker for a good fact book. Since I can’t travel to Paris for this year’s Olympics due to a lack of money, passport, and energy, I’m just going to learn as much as I can about it. Today’s prompt condenses the highlights of Paris into a digestible overview.

Today’s Prompt: A Paris Fact Book

I am planning a trip to Paris and want a well-structured factbook with diverse and interesting facts about the city. Compile information into categories such as historical events, iconic landmarks, cultural practices, popular foods, influential Parisians, and lesser-known spots. Each category should contain several detailed facts with explanations and context to give a comprehensive overview of what makes Paris unique. Please source all information and present it in an organized format for easy reference.

Why we like this prompt:

  1. It defines a very clear goal of structured fact book with facts about Paris.

  2. It highlights six specific categories.

  3. It asks for context and detail for each fact.

  4. It emphasizes the need for an organized, structured response.

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