Reader Prompt of the Week | Harry Katcher

Today is the first edition of 'The Reader Prompt of the Week'. Submit your own to be featured in another week.

Today we have our first Reader Prompt of the Week! This prompt came from Harry Katcher and takes a transcript from YouTube and turns it into an email. Then in a follow-up prompt rewrites the email with a special touch. So technically it’s our first and second reader prompt of the week.

Today’s Prompt: From YouTube transcript to email.

Prompt 1:

Please review the following video transcript and provide for me an approximately 500-word summary or synopsis of the video, giving me anything I need to help me understand. (Paste transcript). Then, utilizing the content in the summary, I want you to take the persona of (the Boss) and create an email from him. The focus should be on meaningful content and free advice and please keep it under 500 words.

Prompt 2:

Please rewrite the attached email from (the Boss) using his voice. Keep it classic (boss), but let’s not go over the top with his expressions and sayings. Please don’t use expressions like “fettle”, “golden nuggets of wisdom”, and “straight shootin’”. Also, please avoid words such as “delve” and “deep dive”. Instead, try words like “explore”, “look into”, and “examine”. It should be casual, friendly, and informative, with a slightly upbeat tone. Please do your best to use subheadings sparingly.

Why we like these prompts:

  1. (Prompt #1) It specifies two tasks—creating a summary from a transcript and writes an email.

  2. (Prompt #1) It explicitly asks for an approximately 500-word summary and a 500-word email.

  3. (Prompt #2) It clearly defines the goal of rewriting the email the specific persona.

  4. (Prompt #2) It provides a list of phrases to avoid and alternative wording to use.

  5. (Prompt #2) It provides specific guidelines on formatting.

Huge thanks to Harry for submitting his prompts! If you want to see your prompt here reply to this email for considertion.

Try it yourself!

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