Is Salt Healthy or Harmful?

We prompted our way to the answer so you don't have to.

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As a newsletter writer, I survive on a diet of salt and caffeine. Some people would say “that’s unhealthy,” and “you stopped blinking 3 years ago”. To which I’d say, “ask AI if it’s healthy,” and “is that why I stopped seeing colors?”.

Anyway, today’s prompt will investigate whether salt is good or bad.

Today’s Prompt: Salt: healthy or harmful?

Is salt healthy or harmful? Conduct a comprehensive investigation into the health effects of salt. Structure the findings as follows:

1. Introduction:

* Definition and types of dietary salt.

2. Benefits:  

* Health benefits of consuming salt within recommended limits.

3. Risks:

* Health risks and conditions associated with high salt consumption.

4. Daily Recommendations:  

* Official guidelines on daily salt intake.

5. Balancing Act:
* Tips for maintaining a healthy balance of salt in your diet.

Why we like this prompt:

  1. It highlights a simple question and takes a complex and detailed approach to asking for an answer.

  2. It starts with the goal of what we want to know and breaks down how to explain it.

  3. It explicitly asks for benefits, risks, and recommendations covering all angles.

  4. It creates an easy-to-read and comprehensive response that answers our question.

Try it yourself!

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