Write good posts for X (formerly Twitter) with AI

By using an example post, we craft a short and quick post that doesn't sound like a robot typed it.

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Writing content with AI is tricky to say the least. Debatably the best way to get human-sounding results is to use example content. Today’s prompt does just that to write short post for X.

Today’s Prompt: Write a post for X (formerly twitter)

Compose a single sentence post for X that emphasizes the significance of providing specific content examples when writing prompts to generate content. Write the post in my style which is exemplified by this example: "the best way to get sharp, detailed answers from AI is with sharp, detailed prompts”. Ensure your post is concise, clear, and engaging to encourage users to adopt this practice.

Why we like this prompt:

  1. It starts with the goal of a post with a specified length and content focus.

  2. It tasks AI with using my voice and follows it up with an example.

  3. It ends by calling out length (again), that it should be clear, and that it should encourage others.

Try it yourself!

Prompt Meme of the Day

About The Daily Prompt

The Daily Prompt sends you great prompts and explains why they're effective every Monday through Friday.

It's created by the team behind Prompt Perfect GPT, a tool that enhances ChatGPT's usability by refining your prompts automatically for clarity.

So you get excellent responses regardless of how well you write prompts.